• (780) 986-3553
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Volunteer Opportunities


Volunteer commitment is essential to the club’s continuing viability and provides an opportunity for members to give back to their club and the sport.

Traditionally, bingos contribute between $18,000 and $25,000 and we would like to continue this tradition, as well as offer some additional volunteer commitment opportunities.

We know that not everyone may feel comfortable fulfilling their volunteer commitment through bingos and are also unsure at this time how many event type volunteer commitments may be available.  For this reason, cash calendars have been an additional fundraising opportunity.  

The options available at this time are:


  • Each bingo fulfills 2 volunteer commitment
  • Sign up book at the club
  • $13 credit towards league fees for additional Bingos worked Max. 5 bingo credits

Cash Calendars

  • Each set of cash calendars sold will count as 1 commitment – there are 4 calendars in a set.
  • Calendars must be prepaid – money can be placed in the ‘score box’ in a Ziploc bag, with the member’s first and last name written on the bag.  The following week, calendars will be set on the back board of the member’s rink on the night they curl.
  • Completed/sold calendar stubs can be placed in the ‘score box’ (inside the rink door closest to the manager’s office).

Tips for Selling Cash Calendars without leaving the "house"

  • Advertise them on social media to family and friends!  
  • Have buyers e-transfer you the money for sales
  • Take a picture of the completed ticket and text/email it to the buyer


  • League reps – one will be needed for each league!  A ‘job description’ is in development and will be coming soon! 
  • Bonspiel and Special Event support – these positions will be available throughout the season. A complete list of events can be found on our bonspiel tab under Club Events.

We do hope to have other opportunities for members to volunteer throughout the season but are not sure what these opportunities will look like yet.  As the season develops, opportunities and how to sign up for them will be posted in the VOLUNTEER section of the website.

If you have any ideas to share on fundraising ideas, please send them our way!

Send us your ideas at mThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Contact Us

Address: 4330 Black Gold Dr. Leduc, Alberta, Canada T9E 3C3 

Phone: (780) 986-3553 

Email: [email protected] 



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