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2025/26 Curling Season
REGISTRATION FEES $250 + GST + Curling Alberta Fee
Wednesdays 4:30pm to 6:30pm or 5-7pm(TBD by a survey sent out to our current juniors/parents)
AGES 8-17 years as of Sept. 1st 2025
Session Dates: Sessions will run from Oct 8th, 2025 to March 18th, 2026
This season our juniors will see some changes in the program. We will be breaking them into groups based on their level of skill and experience:
Beginner level 1 (ages 8 to 17) - never curled before, or only tried it with their school class. This group will be further split by age groups. If they are fast learners, they can move into the Beginner level 2, or Intermediate groups when they are ready.
Beginner level 2 (ages 8 to 17) - based on the Rockstars program, for newer curlers that have less that 2 years experience. This group will be further split by age groups. If they are fast learners, they can move into the Intermediate or Experienced groups when they are ready.
Intermediate (ages 8 to 11) - this will still be based on the Rockstars program, but geared for kids with 2-4 years of experience already.
Experienced (ages 12-17) - this will be a Triples League for our more experienced curlers so they can practice all curling team positions and hone their skills in a more competitive way. They can register as a team of 3 or as an individual and we will put them on a team. There will be a coach available to correct any issues they notice, but it is not a fully coached program. We do hope to have guest coaches come in from time to time, but that is yet to be determined.
A triples clinic will be held the first session or two to explain how it works and to ensure everyone understands.
Important Dates: proposed
Registration Night/open house/try for free – September 10th, 2025
Holiday wind-up “party” – December 17th, 2025
Leduc Non-Competitive Junior Bonspiel – March 7th and 8th, 2026
Season wind-up “party” – March 18th, 2026
Rules for parents:
If your child is under the age of 12 years, 1 parent or guardian MUST BE PRESENT for the entire curling session.
If your child is 12 or older, no parent or guardian is required to be present, but you are more than welcome to stay and watch.
VOLUNTEERING IS REQUIRED - Each curler registered in the program must have 4 hours of volunteer time completed by themselves, a parent, guardian, family member, etc…(max 8hrs per family with multiple children registered) Volunteer hours will be tracked by the Junior Coordinator.
There is a buyout option of $200 at the time of registration if you do not want to do the volunteer hours.
Our beginner and intermediate groups will both be coached by some of our best junior graduates that have taken the Club Coach course, alongside on ice parent volunteers. (great way to fulfil your volunteer requirement)
All curling session dates will reflect the school BGSD calendar.
No school = No curling
With the exception of PD days that are on a Wednesday only…meaning if the kids are in school on the Mon/Tues and the Thurs/Fri that week, then we will still have curling on the Wednesday.
Any questions, please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.